5 out of 5 Stars
Destine by Katherine Pollilo
For years Michelle's mother believed that angels and demons were after her. Michelle and many believed her mother was crazy. But when strange things starts happening at her school, and a boy claiming to be the fallen angel Gabriel shows up, her world takes a huge step into that insanity. Michelle was destined to be the instrument for the archangel Michael, and this means that she needs to battle evil. But when the evil hides in your school the task can be difficult. With the help of Gabriel, Michelle embraces her destiny and tries to stop the apocalypse.
I really loved the Christianity believes used in this novel. The author used them and together with a great plot created something wonderful. Micelle starts off disbelieving and scared but soon finds the courage to believe and battle evil. Gabriel character was there to assist her and help guide her. I would have loved to see him also in a few battles, and hope the next adventure he will be in fighting too.
Other books that came to mind were The Da Vinci Code and Gabriel. In all the book was well written and I really enjoyed it. I loved the romance that blossomed between Michelle and Gabriel. But my most favorite part was when Michelle kicked but against Scarlett. There were also some sad moments that grabbed my heart. Excellent execution to a wonderful novel.
Quote from the book: "I thought I smelled skank, should have known it was you"
Book Links:
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Destine-The-Watchers-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B008TXCLWU/ref=sr_1_9?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1344354379&sr=1-9&keywords=Destine
Barnes&Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/destine-katherine-polillo/1114062574?ean=2940016601878&itm=1&usri=destine+katherine+polillo
Her Author App on my Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WatchersTrilogy
Book Blurb:
Michelle Cross is an average, seventeen year old girl growing up in a small town in New Jersey. Up until her senior year, her life has consisted of a rather unglamorous existence, until a handsome new boy finds her at school. Little by little Michelle's world is turned upside down. The new boy claims to be the Archangel Gabriel cast from heaven, her best friend falls for the Antichrist, and come to find out Michelle's mother has seen it coming all along. So instead of being consumed with prom and graduation, Michelle finds herself battling the evils of Hell in her small town. Can Michelle stop the powers of Hell in time? Can love bridge the world between heaven and earth? Michelle and Gabriel find themselves the pawns in a very dangerous game between an ancient power with a mysterious message and Satan himself. Sometimes your Destiny finds you...
About the Author -

Katherine Polillo originally planned to grow-up and run away with the circus, but after realizing that she had a debilitating fear of heights that squashed her dreams of being a tight ropewalker, she instead pursued a career in education. She currently teaches high school history and fabricates fictional stories in her free time. She never really out grew her imaginary friends stage, and instead has created lives and stories for the creations of her imagination to live in. When she is present in reality and not off on an adventure with her imaginary friends, she lives in a small, New Jersey town with her husband and their two spoiled rotten, ungrateful cats.
Stalker links:
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/WatchersTrilogy
Website: http://www.destine-watcherstrilogy.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KPolillo
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15792303-destine
Book Trailer Link: http://youtu.be/yPvg1oVHp8s
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