Monday, February 16, 2015

Book Blast, Giveaway & Interview: Break Her Fall by @JoAnnaGrace4ya

Break Her Fall Banner 851 x 315



pride cover 2 RGBBreak Her Fall

Blake Pride Series

Book 2

JoAnna Grace

Genre: Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal romance

Publisher: Winged J Press

Date of Publication: Jan 20th 2015

ISBN: 978-1-94-460-15-4


Number of pages: 300+

Word Count: 91K

Cover Artist:

Book Description:

As beta female of the Blake Pride, Amilynn does whatever it takes to get the job done and guard her family—even if it might not be morally sound. Now that the Pride has moved in with the Blackburn Pack, she faces a threat she never saw coming…a mate. The sexy and persistent wolf wants to claim the leopardess, but she’s not going down without a fight.

Ezekiel is used to getting what he wants and his eyes are set on his seductive target. Yet predicting Amilynn’s next move is fruitless. He’s caught between admiring her strength and resenting it. Does he dominate or submit? Can he prove to Amilynn she really is worth the fight?

When a ghost from Amilynn’s past stalks their family, Ezekiel will learn her true strength. Amilynn isn’t a docile house cat and, by the time she’s done, everyone will know it.

Available at Amazon


AMILYNN SNUGGLED INTO the warm arms that were around her. God, Ezekiel smelled like heaven. The sweet honey of his mating scent filled her mind and made her inner leopard purr with desire. It was so easy to sleep when his strong arms held her close and kept her safe. He was there for her in her time of distress, waiting to see if her best friend would pull through the night. He’d given his own blood to save Vivian’s life. Amilynn never thought she could find peace in the middle of a hospital, in the midst of a catastrophe like this, and yet Ezekiel gave it to her.

Her cat had never been more satisfied, even if he was a wolf.

While Ezekiel kept her safe, Ami could focus on the crisis at hand. Vivian had to live. She had to make it. If there was no hope for Vivian to live a full life of love and happiness, then what chance did Amilynn have? Vivian was wilder, more feral in her independence than Ami and, somehow, she’d found a mate in Kasey Blackburn who was worthy of her devotion. The wolf alpha had shown his love for Vivian time and time again, gaining the trust of the rest of her Pride. But look where it got them. The songs were bullshit. Love is not all you need.

Vivian fought for her life in that hospital because members of Kasey’s Pack didn’t want the Pride coming in. The feline shifters didn’t belong there, so they said. The Pack might be a mixture of wolves and bear, but adding felines to the mix was more than some of them could handle. The rebellious group had done a fine job of letting Amilynn and her family know they weren’t welcome.

Amilynn, in particular, had been warned off the males of the Pack. Here she sat in Ezekiel’s arms, the arms of a future alpha. Wouldn’t that cause another rebellion? The hookers and hounds, what a mess.

Her cat came to attention when a rumbling in Ezekiel’s chest woke her up. The low growl was aggressive and full of warning. Her eyes popped open, ready to defend her family at any cost.

“Easy, fool,” Tyrone, her brother, warned Ezekiel in gravelly bass.

Ezekiel, who had also been awakened with a start, gripped Ty’s hand. It took a couple of seconds for all of them to realize there was no threat.

“V’s awake.” Ty yanked from Ezekiel’s grasp.

Amilynn didn’t hesitate to uncurl from Ezekiel’s lap and follow Ty. She didn’t look back, couldn’t. Once she was in her right mind, she would explain to Ezekiel that there was no way they were going to be together. They were too different.

Ami took her first easy breath when she saw Vivian’s eyes open. They were half crossed, but they were open. Relief and love bubbled over her, creating a wave of deep emotion she didn’t know how to process. She could cry, but who had time for hormonal drama? When Vivian smiled at her, she had to blink back the tears. Damn. This was not cool.

“Well,” Ami said, needing to escape with her dignity. “Since Kasey is stuck up your ass, and you’re in good hands, I’m going to jet.” She sniffed and made sure not to look Vivian in the eyes again. “Glad you’re awake.” Without another word, she left the hospital room. Her chest constricted so tightly, she could’ve passed out.

“Here.” Ty tossed her a set of keys. Of course her brother would know she didn’t want anyone to see her lose her shit. She gave him a nod and bolted from the hospital. Go figure; they were to Ezekiel’s motorcycle. At least if she cried while she was on the bike, she could blame it on the wind in her eyes. Sometimes being a girl sucked.


Character Name: Amilynn Blake, beta member of the Blake Pride and total badass. (wait, can I say ass? Oops)

Character Bio: Amilynn is the start of BREAK HER FALL, book 2 in the Blake Pride Series. As the widely proclaimed “mouth” of the group, you never know what will come out. Ami is fierce and passionate and provides entertainment for her family. Her colorful and somewhat scandalous past have made her the fearless woman she is today.


Describe yourself what is your worst and best quality?

Worst: Well, Bianca says I have a potty mouth because I like the F-word. So I’ll go with that. Best: There are so many! Just ask 14 year old twins Nate and Tom, they seem to think I hung the moon.

What is the one thing you wish other people knew about you?

I only eat dinner so that I can have dessert. Seriously. I could eat cake every meal of the day and have no problems working out twenty-three hours a day just so I could.

What is your biggest secret something no one knows about?

I’ve been curious about sleeping with a wolf since the first moment I met Ezekiel. I wanted to ask Vivian what it was like, but that would give me away. I mean, come on, doggie style…with a wolf shapeshifter. Wouldn’t you be curious too?

What are you most afraid of?

Honestly, not much. But I’m not looking forward to facing the Nevada Pride head on. The battle is coming, but I’d give anything to avoid it.

What do you want more than anything?

Peace. Our little Blake Pride has had far too much commotion and uproar for one lifetime. I want my family to be settled and happy so Melissa and Tyrone can pop out some kittens for me to love on.

What is your relationship status?

F-ed up. You think they have an emoticon for that on Facebook?

How would you describe your sense of fashion?

I’ll just say there’s a reason Vivian comes to me for fashion advice. Best thing about being a shifter is that we can conjure clothing with each shift. All we have to do is think of what we want. I read lots of fashion magazines and take pride in being well dressed…and sexy as hell, that’s a priority too.

How much of a rebel are you?

Kasey, alpha of the Blackburn Pack, would tell you I’m a major pain in the a$$. He’s given me a few commands that I may or may not have obeyed. I admit to nothing.

What do you considered to be your greatest achievement?

I haven’t killed a single wolf since our feline Pride joined up with the Pack. Haha, I’m kidding. My greatest achievement is keeping my family safe thus far. They are all that matter.

What is your idea of happiness?

Eating cake and seeing Ezekiel naked…preferably at the same time. Yeah, that ‘bout sums it up.

What is your current state of mind?

Currently and consistently chaotic. I’m always going ninety miles per hour.

What is your most treasured possession?

Since we have been on the run for the last 5 years, I put little stock into possessions. My only possessions were my weapons. But now that we’ve settled with the Blackburn Pack, I have to say I love my shoes. Yeah, I know, weapons and shoes don’t really mingle with most people, but they do with me.

What is your most marked characteristic?

I’m mouthy…so they say. But I don’t see it. (bats eyelashes innocently)

What is it that you, most dislike?

Eating healthy. Ugh. I know it’s important with all those green vegetables and all, but I’m a friggin leapard! Give me MEAT!

Which living person do you, most despise?

Brian, my “trainer” from Nevada. Major douche. But I’ll take care of him.

What is your greatest regret?

I don’t think we have time to go over this list. But I will say having to explain to Nate and Tom, the teenage twins, that I used to be a prostitute was pretty harsh.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

If Ezekiel has it, it’s my favorite. He’s funny, he’s sexy, he’s vigorous(wink, wink).

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

I’ve done a lot of things, but I haven’t crossed that line. Next.

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?

Batman. He has some seriously bada$$ toys!

Which living person do you most admire?

Vivian. She’s my hero. With everything she’s been through (which you can read about in PRIDE BEFORE THE FALL) she has still come out on top. I want to be like her when I grow up. LOL.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

I would say my past, but it has lead to my current state, so I guess nothing.

What is your motto?

“Never gave a wild spirit.” I have it tattooed on my side.





JoAnna Grace lives in a world of alpha males and strong females where true love conquers all—at least in her mind!

From the time she started holding a crayon she began to create magical worlds. Her first book was a series of pictures about a puppy princess. The story changed each time she told it, but there was always a happy ending! Her first written story was about girls who changed into tigers.

Now those stories have become a bit more complex!

JoAnna’s tales are spun at her home in East Texas where she lives with her husband, three kids, and a couple dogs. When not hiding behind the computer screen you can find her camping, boating, and shopping.

Sign up for her newsletter to receive information about new releases, events, and giveaways!

JoAnna loves to hear from readers and fans!

You can find her at the following places:

Twitter: @JoAnnaGrace4ya


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